KIET-KRC Library Rules
- Library facility is for the students, faculty and visiting faculty of institute.
- The Director may allow others to become the library members by paying a caution money of Rs. 8000/- & annual subscription fee of Rs. 1000/- The caution money will be refunded on termination of membership.
- Borrowing facilities is only for the member of the library against RFID & QR Coded Identity Card cum Library Card issued to them. Books are issued from the Self-Check Kiosk on presenting the RFID Identity Card. The Library cum Identity card is Non- Transferable. In case of misuse of Identity card students will be fined Rs. 200/-.
- All student members shall produce their Library cum Identity card on the Self-Check Kiosk at the time of issue and return of the books.
- New editions can only be issued after technical processing has been completed.
- If only a single copy of any document is available in the library then it will not be issued, the same can only be consulted in the library. However as special case, the permission of Librarian is required for issue of the book.
- Renewal is not automatic. For renewal, it is necessary that the book shall be presented at the counter. If there is a pending demand for the book, the request for renewal may be turned down.
- The list of new arrivals will be displayed on the notice board and kept on display shelf for a week. Thereafter the new arrivals will be available for issue if not meant for Reference.
- If a book is not returned within the stipulated time as per library rule, the students will be charged a fine of Rs. 2/- per day per book. In case of overnight issue on special circumstances, the fine will be of Rs. 10/- per day per book.
- The defaulters will not be issued books in future.
- In the case of loss of book the borrower will have to replace the book along with fine as admissible. If he/she does not replace the book, then he/she will have to pay current cost of the book with fine as admissible.
- The library members are responsible for the Identity card issued to them. Loss ID Card/Hostel ID Card should be reported to the Librarian immediately. Duplicate ID/Hostel ID Card will be issued on payment of Rs. 200/- & Damaged ID Card will be fine Rs. 100/-.
- All members should return the books borrowed from the library before they proceed on long leave.
- Librarian can recall books and publications any time to meet any urgent requirement.
- All Library users must sign in/out register available with the attendant at the entrance.
- Members are expected to maintain silence and should not disturb others. Smoking/Eating /Talking /Chewing are strictly prohibited in the library.
- Personal belongings are not allowed in the library. However, they may carry loose papers and a note book.
- KIET-KRC Library follows an Open-Access System. Books and other material taken from the library stacks should be left by readers, on the table for the library staff to arrange the books.
- Users of the KIET-KRC Library should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage the reading material in any way. Person doing so will be fined heavily, apart from being asked to pay the cost of the damage document. In case a person repeats the offence for the second times, his/her Membership will be terminated.
- The members are expected to maintain the decorum of the library, any violation to be brought to the notice of the Dean (Academic).
- The members are to verify the books before leaving the issue counter. After the book is issued the member will be responsible for any damage etc.
- If any student found indulging in the process of book hiding, stealing, or mutilating, he/she will be fined as under after approval by Dean (Academic).
- Book Hiding: Minimum fine Rs. 200/- and suspension of library membership for a period of one month. On re-occurrence of the act, minimum fine of Rs. 400/- and termination of library membership.
- Book Damaging: Minimum fine Rs. 400/- and suspension of library membership for a period of one month. On re-occurrence of the act, minimum fine of Rs. 1000/- and termination of library membership.
- Book Stealing: Minimum fine Rs. 1000/- and actual cost of the book, and suspension of library membership for a minimum period of one semester. On reoccurrence of the act minimum fine will be Rs. 5000/- and disciplinary action as deemed it.
- Misbehavior with KIET-KRC Staff: Minimum fine will be Rs. 500/- on reoccurrence of the act, minimum fine will be Rs. 1000/- plus termination of library membership.
- Casual dress is not allowed in KIET-KRC Library.
- No Dues Certificate will be given only after surrendering of Identity Card.